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时间:2016-12-01 16:31:33  发布人:  点击:13381次





 Made in Hong Kong

                  —enjoyment of HK movies

高一五班 张成翔

Lesson1 (11-4): Cantonese and Mandarin Translation

Cantonese and Mandarin are languages spoken by People in China, Singapore and Malaysia. Cantonese is the main language used in Hong Kong, Macao and southern parts of China. Therefore, it is necessary for us to learn the translation methods, in order to enjoy the movies better.

In Olivers club, we know there are three main methods to translate Cantonese to Mandarin.

First of all, a great number of Cantonese words are pronounced similarly to Mandarin words. So, we can guess the meaning directly.

Secondly, some Cantonese words are borrowed from European languages, especially English. Examples of these are words, such as, strawberry (音译:士多啤梨) and some even use the pun, 7 UP (起,喜谐音).

Finally, there are some simple words which dont obey the rules above. Examples of these are thank you(唔该) and monkey(马骝).

We saw examples of these, during our first class, in the way of watching a number of famous movie clips.

Lesson2 (11-18): Movie Title Translation (ChineseEnglish)

Movie titles are crucial for people to have a better idea about the movie. These must also be translated to English for foreigners and special attention must be paid to this translation as itll have a direct effect on box office results as well as oversea markets.

There are four main ways to translate the titles.

Firstly, titles can be translated directly, for example Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, which is a translation of 《卧虎藏龙》.

Secondly, some titles are translated according to how theyre pronounced in Cantonese, like IP Man (《叶问》).

The third way of translating them is by using half direct translation, which means certain words from the Chinese title are abandoned, while others are translated word by word, such as Grand Master (《一代宗师》).

Finally, we can see some classic translations at the end of Olivers PPTs. These bear no resemblance to the original Chinese titles, however, they are usually remembered by people for years, like You shoot, I shoot.

During this lesson, we also had the chance to know some of the most famous Hong Kong actors, such as, Jackie Chan and Andy Lau.


All students found the lessons interesting and captivating, as it showed us how to enjoy and understand Hong Kong movies. Personally, I found these lessons and movie clips fascinating, as I enjoyed myself learning about Hong Kongs customs and culture. I strongly recommend this club Made in Hong Kong, thumbs up!












第一种,题目可以被直译,例如《Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon便是由《卧虎藏龙》翻译而来的。

第二种,有些题目是音译而来的。在粤语中IP Man是《叶问》的粤语发音,而由此,此片英语名便是《IP MAN》。

第三种,是半直译,即删掉中文片名中的一些字,将剩余的字逐字翻译拼凑而成。比如Grand Master (《一代宗师》)











香港制造 ( Made in HK )



社团简介你喜欢香港电影么?你想了解香港电影的发展历程么?《大话西游》英文片名是什么,为什么要这么翻译?“杜韦”组合,“文张武徐”是指那些香港名导?除了嘉禾,银河映像,中国星,寰亚,银都机构…… 香港本土还有哪些电影创作公司? “差佬”,“ 细路仔”,“点解”,“至这些港片中常见的粤语方言是什么意思,有何文化背景?七喜饮料瓶上的“7-Up”和粤语有何关系?如何在电影中领略“舌尖上的香港”?你想欣赏原汁原味的香港电影配乐并为影片中的精彩片段配音么?欲知详情,敬请关注“香港制造”。

(时间地点:周五下午第八,九节,综合楼312 画室)


活动1            1.香港电影中常见的粤语方言;



活动2            1.经典港片电影配乐赏析;



活动3            1.香港电影精英创作团队介绍;




活动4            1.香港电影金像奖发展史;




活动5            1.香港电影与饮食;



《香港制造》 社团指导教师盛中华



    热爱香港影视, 美剧,曾于2008年~2012年,连续多次开设香港电影相关校本课程。2011年12月开发的《华语电影漫谈》获大连市第二届校本课程评选二等奖。2014年3月到2015年7月 组织社团活动《香港制造》和《我是剧中人》,二者逐渐融为一体:在粤语文化介绍与香港影视欣赏的基础上,加入最新美剧欣赏和美式俚语学习环节,使得本社团既深深烙着中国印,又时时沐浴着国际风!